There is a large number of reasons why a credit card may be declined, from there not being enough funds available, the card being expired or the billing address being incorrect, etc etc.
Some of the most common errors associated with declined cards are listed below;
Do Not Honour
A generic response from your bank which indicates that they are not willing to accept the transaction. This could be due to a high level of recent activity on a card, a lack of matching information such as CSV, the card is over its limit or a range of other reasons known only to your bank.
This error can be resolved by contacting your bank to find out why the transaction is being declined.
Insufficient Funds
Your card does not have enough funds to cover the charge, in the case that you do have funds and it is still showing this message, it may be a case of you have pending transactions still to come out of your account.
This can be resolved by adding funds to your account.
Expired Card
This message indicates that your card has expired and is no longer active.
You can resolve this by using your new card which the bank should have sent out to you.
Transaction Not Allowed
This indicates that your bank is declining the transaction for unspecified reasons.
The response doesn't necessarily indicate that there is a problem with the card; however, it does indicate that the bank won't approve this transaction.
We would recommend contacting your bank to find out why the transaction is being declined.
Processor Declined
A fairly generic response that many banks will send back when declining a transaction.
It may have been declined due to a high level of recent activity on a card, a lack of matching information, the card is over its limit or a range of other reasons known only to your bank.
We would recommend contacting your bank to find out why the transaction is being declined.
Gateway Rejected - Fraud
This error usually means that the card has another issue listed above.
If you keep attempting payments with the same declined card, the card will become blocked for fraud, you would then need to contact your bank to sort out the issue.
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